The pocket pillow was made by a young girl who donated it to the hospital. The social workers on our floor gave it to us as a welcoming present. There were several little presents in the pockets, chapstick, crayons, coloring book, gum, etc.
The blankets I have pictured here are today's set of blankets we get to use. The blankets have been donated to the hospital by various people and groups. It's very sweet that our little Erin gets to snuggle up to them each day. It makes me think of the many Young Women and Relief Society activities where we tied quilts. I'm thankful for everyone who has put time into making a quilt and donating it. We have been greatly blessed by this sweet service. Thank you!

Hi Jill, I just wanted to comment letting you know you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. My neighbors at home have a Downs Syndrome little boy with Leukemia, so I've seen how tough it can be. Just know that me and the rest of the cello section are right behind you! Thank you for all that you do!