I took Erin to our local lab for this CBC on Tuesday and then on Monday we had her appointment with her Pediatrician. She was dancing around the lab before the poke singing, "I'm gonna get a prize, I'm gonna get a prize."
Erin is the bravest 4 year old! I didn't have to hold her down or restrain her, she just held her arm out for the phelobotomist. She had a few tears fall from her eyes, but she never once cried out in pain. I am continually amazed at her strength at all she understands and does. She is my hero and I'm so proud of her.
Her blood work looks great!
The funniest thing about this lab draw is that I forgot to do it on Monday. I did it on Tuesday and then I forgot to get the results from the records office. Primary Children's never called with the results and by the next morning the thought finally came that I hadn't heard what Erin's CBC results were. I assumed that since I hadn't heard anything, she was still doing great in remission!
Two years ago I NEVER thought I'd be this relaxed about cancer! I am finally feeling like this isn't a part of our lives anymore and it's a great place to be!
I should also update that we are moving from our beloved valley. My husband got a new job and we'll be moving 2 hours South. This also might be why I'm not thinking about cancer because I have loads of other things on my mind.
Labs from 18 Month Clinic
White Blood Count 8.6 (normal 6.0-17.0)
Hematocrit 43.6 (normal 34.0-40.0)
Platelets 311 (normal 150-400)
ANC 3660 (normal 1500-8500)
Previous Labs from 15 Month Clinic
White Blood Count 9.2
Hematocrit 43.6
Platelets 317
ANC 4200