
On June 1, 2010 our two year old, "Little Air Bear," was diagnosed with Childhood Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML) Type M7. After enduring 146 days at Primary Children's Hospital, Erin is now in remission and living a full life at home with our family. Her strong will and constant happy smile is an inspiration to us all. Through our difficult circumstances we found great strength and peace in our Savior, Jesus Christ. Thank you for checking in on us.

Friday, August 26, 2011

8 Month Clinic

Erin's 8 month clinic follow-up appointment went really well.  She is still in remission.  I know I shouldn't be so crazy worried about these appointments, but I am. 

BUT, We are getting closer and closer to December and that is when her risk of relapse greatly drops. 

She was pretty scared about getting her hand poked in the lab.  But, she was happily coloring only a few minutes later.

It was such a treat to run into so many of our little cancer friends in clinic.  Ha ha...I should being calling running into other kids with cancer "a treat", but it has been very helpful for us to have friends like us.

Doing crafts with Brinley and Elena.

Sitting still while getting her "arm hug" from the blood pressure cuff.  Like her "Pinky Pie" outfit?  She found the hat on the hat tree and just had to have it since it matched. 

Patiently waiting to see her Oncologists and enjoying her root beer and Cheetos.

Erin and Dr. Verma.
We LOVE Dr. Verma! 

We had a bunch of time to kill while we waited for John and the kids to drive to SLC to meet us for a Make-a-wish activity so Erin and I played in the Forever Young Zone for 2 hours.  The volunteers here really do a wonderful job!

We had a snack in the gardens just outside of the Primary Children's main entrance.  I told Erin that I wanted to take her to a special place for our snack.  During the long days of living in the hospital I used to come here to call John on my cell phone, relax, cry, get away from the beeping hospital machines, or nap.  It is a beautiful place with lots of benches and a stream.  It's a great place of reflection and serenity and was a much needed relief.

Erin is really doing well.  I am very happy.  Our next visit will be in October and we have been given permission to do every other visit here in our hometown with our Pediatrician!  We love our Oncologists at Primary Children's, but these follow-up visits really aren't worth a 2 hour drive just for a blood test when we could just do that here. 

In December she'll go back to Primary Children's for her one year follow-up and she'll get an ECHO and EKG to check her heart and we'll see our Oncologists again then.  Here's to praying that she continues to stay in remission! 

Labs from 8 Month Clinic
White Blood Count 5.9 (normal 6.0-17.0)
Hematocrit 40.0 (normal 34.0-40.0)
Platelets 225 (normal 15-400)
ANC 1800 (normal 1500-8500) 

Previous Labs from 6 Month Clinic
White Blood Count 13.4
Hematocrit 38.9
Platelets 220
ANC 11,700


  1. wow. what an amazing but scary story to have in your past. i am so glad to hear everything is going great :)

  2. CONGRATULATIONS! Erin you are a ROCK STAR! We will be holding our breath and praying with you that December will arrive quickly and Erin will stay healthy.
    Much Love,

  3. YEAH! Did you hear that from Texas? You guys really are such an inspiration to us! Yeah for little Erin! Its funny to see these numbers...something all to well known now huh! Always great to ge these updates from you! Sounds like all in all a pretty fun day! I can totally relate with wanting to get away from that beeping sometimes!

  4. Good. Good good good. What we want! Just stay in remission dear Erin!

    And Jill don't apologize for worrying. Anyone else in your position would too.

  5. Do you think it's less painful with their hand? I've heard that doing the hand is more painful than the normal arm poke. What does Erin think? Andrew can't tell me so.... Anyway, congrats for staying in remission! Those are some beautiful numbers! Gotta admit I took a nice big breath once I saw you posted this. Love you guys!

  6. Lizzie, we do the hand poke because she wouldn't hold still for the normal arm poke. It seems to be less scarry for her. I heard it was less painful than the finger poke, which is what they always would rather do. We just keep doing it the same 'ol way each time so she knows what to expect. I hope Andrew is doing well!

  7. I was wondering if I could have a picture of Erin.
    I am making a video for cancer awareness and I just need a couple of pictures. I can get one off your blog if that's ok. my e-mail is
    Thanks, Polly

  8. it was so fun to bump into you guys there! erin is looking fantastic. we are praying for erin to stay in remission and anxiously awaiting the arrival of december!
