
On June 1, 2010 our two year old, "Little Air Bear," was diagnosed with Childhood Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML) Type M7. After enduring 146 days at Primary Children's Hospital, Erin is now in remission and living a full life at home with our family. Her strong will and constant happy smile is an inspiration to us all. Through our difficult circumstances we found great strength and peace in our Savior, Jesus Christ. Thank you for checking in on us.

Friday, October 3, 2014

Hope For Those Fighting

I'm coming to face the fact that I can't forget that my child had leukemia.  My precious daughter had cancer. I haven't blogged much lately because we're in a happy place.  We're where I hoped we'd be - healthily resuming the crazy thing we call family life.  

Most cancer Moms and Dads move on, we're told to.

 But, I can't!  
 I'm online here to help you see there is hope!

There are so many Moms and Dads out there who have found out their precious infant, toddler, child, or teen has cancer.  42 will find out today!  It was the last thing you thought would happen to YOUR family!  What do you do?  After you have overcome the initial shock and bucked up and started into the chemotherapy regime then you get on the world wide web and start typing out questions.  

You ask questions online.  You search google.  You look for survival rates, you look for someone who had the same cancer as your child - down to the very detail of the subtype.  You look for the face of someone who survived.  You type out your greatest fears, the ones you are often afraid to ask the Oncologists.  You look for someone else who is in your situation because, frankly, you feel lost, lonely, and isolated. 

Most of all, you look for hope!

 I have received countless comments and emails from Moms an Dads all over the world who just want to know someone else whose child has survived.  The statistics are such, that survival isn't promised to everyone.  This is the most heart breaking part about childhood cancer.  So many little people pass away each year, not always from the cancer itself, but from the side effects of the treatment.

It is our very nature to want to know that things will be okay.

Our God has promised us that as we "search diligently, pray always, and be believing, . . . all things will work together for our good. " 

Elaine S. Dalton said, "That doesn’t mean that everything will be perfect or that we will not have any trials, but it does mean that everything will be okay if we just “hang in there.”  

If you're like me, you feel like every day you are literally "hanging" in there!

In Mark, the Savior has promised that “all things are possible to him that believeth.  So believe in yourselves. Believe that you are never alone. Believe and hope.  This does not mean that loss of life can be prevented, but it does mean that whatever happens, it will work out for our good.

It is always my desire to help you.  I want to help those of you who are struggling right now.  You are probably sitting in a hospital room, with your very sick child sleeping in the hospital bed next to you.  I wish I could be a little money fairy and pop into your hospital room and give you millions of dollars to ease the financial burden your child's cancer has placed on your family.  That is out of my reach, but what I can do is give you hope.

You can do this!

Yes, it is hard, so hard in every aspect of your life.
But, you are not alone.
God is always aware and He wants you to know that He is there to help you.  You just have to open your heart to feel that love and your pain and the burden you carry will be lifted.

I am also here for you.  
My daughter has been in remission for just over 3 1/2 years.  
Success is out there!  Many don't share the successes because they have moved on.  
They fought the fight and they try not to ever look back.

I am always open to chatting via email about questions, thoughts, concerns, fears, joys.

You can reach me at: